School Information
- School History
- School Mission and Vision
- Non-Edible Celebrations
- Attendance & Absence Notification
School History
The curriculum at Peters Canyon is standards-based and both rigorous and comprehensive. It centers on our dedication toward producing the leaders of tomorrow who will require high caliber reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, as well as the ability to collaborate and problem-solve. Meaningful student assessments guide instruction and facilitate the mastery of concepts and skills in all subject areas. We passionately believe that Literacy is critical to student success and have made it a driving component of every classroom. The teachers continually strive for innovative ways to nurture a love of reading, writing, and learning so that knowledge becomes a life-long pursuit for each and every student at Peters Canyon.
The teachers at Peters Canyon not only have high expectations for their students but for themselves as well. All teachers meet or exceed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) criteria for “highly qualified” staff which directly correlates to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. The spirit of life-long learning is reflected in our collaborative learning community and the implementation of a quality professional development program both in our district and at our site. Parents are our partners and are welcomed and cherished for their steadfast support of academics and enrichment. With over 7,500 hours spent on campus and in our classrooms each year, their backing is essential to the success of our students. The fundraising efforts of our dynamic Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) augment curriculum by providing educational assemblies, field trips, scholarships for Outdoor Science School, as well as math, science, and technological resources for all students.
We take pride in providing a nurturing atmosphere that commemorates achievement and encourages learning. Students are positively rewarded with “Golden Tickets” as acknowledgement for displaying expected behaviors such as kindness, respect, safety, responsibility, scholarly attributes, empathy, etc. Student of the Month and Trimester Award ceremonies acknowledge the modeling of positive character traits and academic achievement. Peters Canyon has recently been honored by receiving the California Gold Ribbon School Award in 2016, California Distinguished School Award in 2004, 2008, and 2014, and named a 2005 National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education, as well as a 2005, 2014, and 2016 California Business in Education in Excellence Award - Honor Roll. While our school is short on history, the dedicated staff, students and parents remain focused on our future. Our commitment and devotion to student success is evident. As a positive model for upcoming schools, the Peters Canyon Trailblazers take pride in blazing the trail to prepare and educate our leaders of tomorrow.
School Mission and Vision
PCE Motto, Mission and Vision
PCE Motto: PCE is passionately committed to educational excellence as we blaze a trail to success.
Peters Canyon Elementary School promotes a safe, nurturing environment that emphasizes respect, responsibility, and self-discipline. This consistent, caring environment promotes individual self-esteem and fosters positive behavior and attitudes.
Technology will improve educational learning, promote effective communication, enhance thinking skills, make instruction more efficient and effective, and develop life skills that are critical to success. Scholars, parents, and educators use technology to enhance and promote education at Peters Canyon Elementary School.
The involvement of family and community is paramount to student success. Peters Canyon Elementary School is committed to maintaining an active partnership with parents and the community, with a focus that is best for our scholars. The Peters Canyon Elementary School community works collaboratively as a knowledgeable, enduring support system to enable every student to become a lifelong, self-directed learner in the twenty-first century.
PBIS = Positive Behavior Intervention Support
PBIS is a process for creating a safer, more effective school environment. Trailblazers are:
Trailblazer Expectations:
- We respect other people and property.
- We do our best work…on time.
- We listen and cooperate.
- We use good judgment.
- We understand that everyone has the right to learn.
- We act like SCHOLARS.
Teachers reinforce appropriate behavior through praise and other forms of positive recognition in the classroom. Additionally, scholars may receive “ Trailblazer Tickets” and special awards, which will be presented at our monthly Scholar of the Month and Trimester Award Assemblies. The Trailblazer Ticket Program recognizes scholars for their positive contributions to our school. Scholars who are awarded 'Trailblazer Tickets’ can visit the Scholar Store once a month or save them up to attend school-wide events such as a dance party during lunch.
- What does PBIS stand for?
“PBIS” is short for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports. This language comes directly from the 1997 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). PBIS is used interchangeably with SWPBS, which is short for “School-wide Positive Behavior Supports.” PBIS is based on principles of applied behavior analysis and the prevention approach and values of positive behavior support.=
- What is PBIS?
PBIS is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS IS NOT a packaged curriculum, scripted intervention, or manualized strategy. PBIS IS a prevention-oriented way for school personnel to (a) organize evidence-based practices, (b) improve their implementation of those practices, and (c) maximize academic and social behavior outcomes for students. PBIS supports the success of ALL students. - What Outcomes are Associated with Implementation of PBIS?
Schools that establish PBIS systems with integrity and durability have teaching and learning environments that are- Less reactive, aversive, dangerous, and exclusionary, and
- More engaging, responsive, preventive, and productive
- Address classroom management and disciplinary issues (e.g., attendance, tardies, antisocial behavior),
- Improve supports for students whose behaviors require more specialized assistance (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, mental health), and
- Most importantly, maximize academic engagement and achievement for all students.
Non-Edible Celebrations
Attendance & Absence Notification
Attendance and Absence Notification
The State of California has a compulsory education law. This law states that scholars are required to attend school punctually and regularly.
- Excused Absence: Absence for causes listed in the State Educational Code are: illness, medical, dental, and optometry appointments. For any type of doctor’s appointment, please bring a doctor’s note.
* Scholars that have a morning or afternoon doctor appointment are required to come to school for the portion of the day that the scholar is not at the doctor’s office. (Example: Scholars that have morning appointments must come to school after the appointment, and scholars having afternoon appointments, must come to school for the morning). - Unexcused Absence: Absences for any reason other than those listed above. Truancy that is intentional is a violation of state attendance laws.
- Independent Study : We understand that on rare occasions you must be away from school for an extended length of time. For these unforeseen situations, parents may request a Limited Independent Study which is valid only for 5-10 days. Limited Independent Study must be approved by the Principal and Teacher.
- Parent/ guardian of the students shall complete the Master Agreement for Limited Independent Study in the school office no less then 10 school days prior to the absence.
- Limited Independent Study will only be authorized if the students will be missing no less then 5 school days and no more than 15 school days for the school year.
- The teacher will provide the work to the students on the last day the students are present at school.
- The students must return the completed work to the teacher on the first day of their return. No partially completed work will be accepted for credit.
- Truancy and excessive tardiness may cause a transfer permit to be revoked.
- Reporting Absences:
To report an absence, please click here.
- Tardies: Scholars arriving late to school 30 minutes and/or more will be considered truant if there is not a medical reason (see excused absences). Scholars arriving late to school 30 minutes or more must be signed in by parent. Scholars that have excessive absences and or tardies will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Please remember that consistent attendance (including being on time to school) is critically important. Do not schedule vacations during the school year. The school loses state funding and your child misses a very important day of instruction and learning.
Elementary Attendance and Tardy Procedures
Elementary Attendance and Tardy Procedures
The Board of Education believes that regular and punctual attendance in school is essential to a scholar’s success. Absence from school is one of the greatest contributing factors to unsatisfactory schoolwork. Pupils are required by law and Education Code 48260 to attend school punctually and regularly: Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without valid excuse three days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without valid excuse on three occasions in one school year is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district.
Regular attendance at school is important for every scholar for the following reasons:
- Scholars need to be in class to learn.
- The teaching-learning process builds on lessons previously taught.
- Lessons often involve hands-on activities which cannot be duplicated with paper and pencil assignments outside of class.
- Scholars who miss a day of school suffer because that day of instruction cannot be retrieved.
- Scholars develop the habits of good attendance and punctuality for future careers.
- School funding is dependent on scholar attendance.
Excused Absences (defined by school laws of the State of California) are absences for illness; medical, dental, or optometric appointments; or attendance at a funeral service for a family member.
Unexcused absences are absences for any reason other than those listed as an excused absence.
Consequences for Truancy or Absence: On the scholar’s first day back to school after an absence, the scholar must bring a signed written note from his/her parent/guardian which lists the date of absence and specific reason for the absence. In lieu of a written note, a parent/guardian may call the school office or e-mail the school secretary.
If a student continues to be absent after three days with no notification from the student’s parent/guardian, the school will call the student’s home. Further monitoring includes:
5 absences in one trimester |
Letter sent home |
After 10 absences |
Letter sent/parent conference |
After 20 absences |
Scholar labeled “At Risk” for retention |
After 2 unexcused absences |
Parent conference/letter notifying of possible referral to SARB |
After 3 unexcused absences |
Referral to SARB |