Polices and Procedures
- Health Guidelines For School Attendance
- Curriculum
- Communication
- School Supplies
- Emergency Information
- Student Conduct
- Playground Procedures
- Dress Code
- Office Procedures
- Smart Devices
- Visitations
- First Aid
- Medication
- Library/ Media Center & Textbooks
- Insurance
- Personal Belongings
Health Guidelines For School Attendance
In order to provide as healthy a school environment as possible for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance. If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her on any given school day, it is best to keep your child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day. When you make the decision to keep your child home, please notify the school secretary or attendance line that your child will be absent and state the nature of your child's illness. |
Colds |
Student needs to remain home if he/she has an excessive runny nose (green mucus), excessive coughing, temperature at or above 100 F, or is too ill to function at school. |
Chicken Pox |
Student may return to school when all blisters are dried and crusted over. Notify school nurse if your child has chickenpox. |
Diarrhea |
If a student has diarrhea 2 times in a day, he/she needs to remain at home until diarrhea subsides and no other signs of illness exist. |
Ear Infections |
Student does not need to stay home from school, but should be evaluated by his/her physician if he/she complains of ear pain. |
Eye Infections |
Student cannot attend school if purulent eye drainage present. May return if eyes clear, treatment started, or cleared by MD. No exclusion for non-purulent drainage unless there is an outbreak. |
Fever |
If the fever is over 100 F, the student must remain home. He/she may return to school when fever free, without medication, for 24 hours. |
Fractures and Surgeries |
Parents need to contact the nurse when a child has a serious injury or surgery. Modifications to physical activity and mode of travel throughout the building need to be evaluated. Please provide written information from your physician as to your child's level of activity at school. State all limitations and special needs. |
School Injuries |
The nurse or trained staff member will assess the injury, administer first aid and notify parents as soon as possible by phone and/or note as to the type and status of injury. |
Head Lice |
Student needs to stay home from school and be treated with shampoo or rinse as recommended by your doctor or pharmacy. Children may return to school when the hair is lice- free and show proof of treatment. Notify the school if your child has head lice. |
Rashes |
Student is to remain at home with any undiagnosed skin rash. Student may return to school when the rash disappears or with a doctor's note stating diagnosis and clearing him/her to return to school. |
Strep Throat |
Student needs to be treated with antibiotics for 24 hours and be without fever before returning to school. |
Vomiting |
The student needs to be free from vomiting for at least 24 hours before coming to school. |
The California Common Core State Standards and Tustin Unified School District’s curriculum describe what scholars should know and be able to do. Based on these documents, educational committees have compiled Grade Level Expectancies to assist scholars, teachers, and parents in fulfilling academic expectations. Use this link to access the California Common Core Standards as well as the California Frameworks and Instructional Materials: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/
Peters Canyon School is proud of its excellent curriculum and well-prepared teachers. Each child will receive rigorous instruction in reading, writing, math, history/social science, science, physical education, and visual/performing arts, using engaging instructional strategies, supported by the use of technology. All children have access to State and District adopted textbooks in addition to supplementary materials to help scholars reach grade level expectations.
The California Common Core State Standards and Tustin Unified School District’s curriculum describe what scholars should know and be able to do. Based on these documents, educational committees have compiled Grade Level Expectancies to assist scholars, teachers, and parents in fulfilling academic expectations. Use this link to access the California Common Core Standards as well as the California Frameworks and Instructional Materials: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/
Peters Canyon School is proud of its excellent curriculum and well-prepared teachers. Each child will receive rigorous instruction in reading, writing, math, history/social science, science, physical education, and visual/performing arts, using engaging instructional strategies, supported by the use of technology. All children have access to State and District adopted textbooks in addition to supplementary materials to help scholars reach grade level expectations.
School Supplies
Students must utilize their own supplies, kept in a pencil box or pouch in their backpack and will not be sharing supplies while at school. Check with your child’s teacher for suggested supplies.
Backpacks are strongly recommended for each scholar. This will provide your child a way to get homework, books, iPad and other school materials to and from school safely. *Please do not send any valuables to school.
If your child needs any supplies to complete their work, please contact the Front Office.
Please make sure that your child brings their iPad to school fully charged each day.
Emergency Information
Please be sure to keep the office informed of any new home, work, or cell phone numbers or emails. You may also update your information on the Aeries Parent Portal, which can be found on the Quick Links section of the Tustin Unified School District website. If you have a new address, you will need to bring in proof of residence to the office. Please keep the office up to date in any changes to custody agreements, etc. As a reminder only the individuals listed on Aeries may sign out or pick up students.
Student Conduct
In order for scholars to achieve both academically and socially, it is critical that Peters Canyon Elementary School has high expectations for student conduct. Teachers communicate expectations necessary to promote an appropriate learning atmosphere. Scholars are informed of and practice these behavior expectations throughout the school year. Below, we have included the expectations that will be implemented in every classroom throughout the school. We encourage all parents to review these expectations and to reinforce them with your child(ren) at home. When school staff, parents, and scholars all work together as partners, we will be most successful.
Our School-wide expectations for behavior are quite simple:
Respect (self, others, and property)
Responsibility (act responsibly)
Safety (think, safety first!)
We Believe…
Every child is entitled to be treated with respect and dignity.
Every child has the right to learn in a calm and orderly environment.
Every child has the responsibility to respect others’ rights to learn, in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning.
Every child is responsible for his or her own behavior.
Every child shows responsibility by practicing self-discipline and trying to solve his or her own problems.
It is the responsibility of:
the school to develop, teach, promote, and enforce codes of behavior.
the teachers to organize and manage an environment that is conducive to learning and to teach and reinforce acceptable forms of behavior.
the scholars to follow school rules and to accept and understand the logical consequences of their actions, if rules are not followed.
the parents to assist in reviewing the rules with their child and promoting support of a safe, nurturing, and orderly environment.
the school personnel and parents to recognize and respond appropriately to positive and negative behaviors.
Fighting, profane or vulgar language/gestures
Defiance of authority
Missing or late class work or homework assignments
Repeated offenses on the playground
Repeated interruption of learning in the classroom
Technology/internet misuse
Defiance of school safety rules, including wearing a mask.
Severe Violation of school rules Please know that there are special, very serious situations, which may result in a child to be suspended from school 1-5 days, or possible recommendation for expulsion as defined in Education Code Section 48900. These include, but are not limited to fighting/deliberate injury to others, stealing, vandalism, repeated classroom interruptions or possession of dangerous objects (knives, explosives, firearms, drugs, or “look-alike” guns/knives).
Children will likely make appropriate choices when they know the standards of acceptable behavior. Children need to know the consequences for choosing whether or not to follow established expectations. Specific school and classroom standards and consequences have been developed and are included in this packet. Each teacher has the right to individualize their plan according to identified scholar needs and teaching style.
Teachers reinforce appropriate behavior through praise and other forms of positive recognition in the classroom. Additionally, scholars may receive “PCE Golden Tickets” and special awards, which will be presented at our monthly Flag Assemblies and Trimester Award Assemblies. The Golden Ticket Program recognizes scholars for their positive contributions to our school. Scholars who earn ‘golden tickets,’ may purchase items on the PBIS Rewards app on their iPad. Peters Canyon is a Bucket Filler school. Scholars learn how to be a “bucket filler” and not a “bucket dipper.” You can learn more about our Bucket Fillers theme at http://www.bucketfillers101.com/
Although we will focus primarily upon positive reinforcement of appropriate and exemplary behaviors, parents will be informed by phone, email, and/or in writing if the behaviors below are displayed:
Fighting, profane or vulgar language/gestures
Defiance of authority
Missing or late class work or homework assignments
Repeated offenses on the playground
Repeated interruption of learning in the classroom
Technology/internet misuse
Severe Violation of school rules Please know that there are special, very serious situations, which may result in a child to be suspended from school 1-5 days, or possible recommendation for expulsion as defined in Education Code Section 48900. These include, but are not limited to fighting/deliberate injury to others, stealing, vandalism, repeated classroom interruptions or possession of dangerous objects (knives, explosives, firearms, drugs, or “look-alike” guns/knives).
The consequence for inappropriate behavior will depend on the incident and the student’s past discipline record. Teachers will provide parents with their classroom rules expectations at Back to School Night. Teachers will inform parents of situations that arise at school via email, phone, or through the use of a “Behavior Reminder.” A Behavior Reminder is simply our way of informing you of a problem that occurred at school and how it was resolved. We ask that you follow up with your child by asking two simple questions. 1) What happened? 2) What will you do differently next time? This helps your child process what occurred and stay focused on developing the tools to handle the situation more successfully in the future.
Defiance of school safety rules, including wearing a mask.
Playground Procedures
It is our goal to make our playground a safe and fun place for scholars to exercise through games and activities. We will work with scholars in a positive manner while instilling attitudes of respect, responsibility, and appropriate decision-making skills that support the academic and social foundations of Peters Canyon Elementary School.
Toys should not be brought to school without permission from your child’s teacher. This includes balls, games, electronic toys, trading cards, etc. Toys or electronic devices brought to school may be held by a teacher until the scholar’s parent comes to pick up the item. We ask that parents help monitor and enforce this expectation.
In any situation, scholars are expected to not engage in any activity that will endanger your safety or the safety of others.
Bodily contact on the playground should be avoided at all times. There will be no piling on top of others or “ganging up” for any purpose.
Fighting is NOT allowed. Do not push, trip, or shove any person at any time, not even if you are just “playing.” Fighting or threatening others will result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion.
Teasing and name-calling is not allowed.
During recess time, games are open to all scholars unless restricted to specific grade level. *Scholars are not allowed to “exclude” another child from joining a game.
Scholars are expected to show respect for ALL adults as well as other scholars. They are to follow directions the first time they are given. All staff members maintain the responsibility for the safety and welfare of scholars on school grounds, and our scholars have the responsibility to behave in a safe, orderly, and respectful manner.
Teachers will review specific playground and equipment rules/expectations with scholars periodically throughout the school year.
Scholars should not be between or behind buildings, or in any unsupervised area. When playgrounds get wet or muddy, scholars are required to stay on the blacktop play area. No child may enter the office from the playground without permission. Scholars are not to go to their classroom or other teacher’s classroom during recess or lunch without adult permission and direct supervision.
Because of the dangerous nature of roller skates/blades and skateboards, they are not allowed on campus at any time, including after school and/or weekends.
4th & 5th grade scholars have permission to ride bikes and scooters to school and may ride to the edge of the school grounds. Once on school grounds, scholars must walk their vehicle. For safety reasons there is to be no riding of these vehicles on school grounds. Helmets must be worn and clasped, or the child will not be allowed to leave campus on his/her bike/scooter.
Restrooms are to be used appropriately at all times. No playing, loitering, or assembling in the restrooms. Recess time is for using the restrooms. Scholars are encouraged to use the restroom prior to playing. Teachers will go over specific class restroom procedures/expectations with scholars at the start of the school year.
Scholars should walk while indoors at all times. Scholars are required to use walkways. Under no circumstances are scholars to climb fences or walls, or walk through parking areas or planters.
Swings, slides, bars, etc. are to be used safely and properly. Scholars should not jump from swings or attempt to skip bars while crossing monkey bar apparatus.
A small snack may be sent with a student to eat at their 15-minute recess. Gum and soda is not allowed at any time on school grounds, and candy is highly discouraged. Trash is to be thrown away in trash containers. *Due to COVID-19 safety regulations, please do not send any ‘treats’ (edible or non edible) to be shared with students for your child’s birthday.
Scholars are expected to report all injuries to the supervisor/teacher on duty. The health clerk or office staff will determine if parent contact is needed.
Dress Code
Education Law does allow public schools to establish a dress code.
Student Dress Codes are established to:
Promote a climate and culture where scholar focus is on learning
Promote a productive safe instructional environment
While society reflects a wide range of personal expression in clothing, grooming, and accessories, the quality of scholar work and behavior is affected by personal appearance. Scholars are expected to wear clothing that is clean, neat, appropriate, and safe.
TUSD Dress Code:
To eliminate misinterpretations of the dress code, the following dress standards shall be enforced:
No tight/revealing shirts (workout tops, undergarments showing, see-through, low-cut, etc.)
Undergarments must not be visible (including sports bras)
No bare midriff/crop tops (If skin shows when arms are raised the top is too short.)
No spaghetti straps, or shirts with less than one inch straps
No halter or swimwear tops
No tube tops
No “underwear” style tank tops
No shirts with oversize armholes showing torso area
No short-shorts or micro-mini skirts (minimum 5” inseam)
No excessively loose or baggy pants/shorts
Pants/shorts must be worn at the waistline
Pants may not drag on the ground, or have rips or holes.
Pants/shorts may not allow undergarments to be exposed
No excessively long, untied, or dangling belts
Overall straps must be worn over the shoulders and buttoned
Footwear which is safe for school activities must be worn at all times
Footwear must be closed toe and closed back
Dangerous Jewelry/Objects
No chains, or sharp dangly earrings
No dagger style ear plugs
No riveted dog collars or raised rings
No chains for wallets
No laser light pens (Scholars shall be cited as per Penal Code Sections 417.25 and 417.27.)
Other Inappropriate Attire
Clothing, apparel, and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia that is crude, vulgar, profane, demeaning, sexually suggestive, or which advocates or promotes racial, ethnic, religious, sexual prejudice or strife, or which relates to the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
No sex/sexual comments/innuendoes
No drugs or references to drugs (blunt, 13, hemp, marijuana leaf, 4:20, huff, etc.)
No tobacco product names or trademarks
No liquor products or bar names or trademarks/logos
No depicting a person engaged in illegal activities (tagging, weapons, etc.)
No hats/caps indoors, and must follow the guidelines above.
No visible tattoos
Parent support encourages scholars to dress appropriately. What is considered appropriate attire by parents, may change as fashion trends change. Parents may call the school at any time for clarification prior to purchase of fad clothing for school attire. If scholars attend school dressed inappropriately, parents will be called to bring a change of clothes to school for their child or asked to take their child home to change clothes. Repeat violations will result in disciplinary action. Site administrators may set dress standards for special school occasions or activities with prior notice to the scholars (Ex. Field Day, Water Day, etc.)
PCE Spirit wear is always acceptable and promotes school pride. Visit our Spirit Wear shop here: https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/CA/Tustin/Peters+Canyon+Elementary+School
*Please label all water bottles, lunch boxes, jackets, and removable clothing items with your child’s name. These items are commonly left on the playground, and as we do our best to return labeled items to the proper owner, unlabeled items will be placed in the Lost & Found located outside the multi-purpose room.
Office Procedures
Our school office is open daily from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. You are welcome to stop by the school office or phone the office (714-730-7540) should you need assistance. Our principal, Kristy Andre , is available to speak with parents and help with any questions, concerns, and situations that you feel need to be addressed by her. We request that you contact the front office staff to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andre. We encourage parents to communicate freely with the school and we appreciate your comments and/or suggestions.
If you have a concern regarding your child, your child’s teacher is your first point of contact. After you have met with your child’s teacher and the problem is not solved, you are welcome to contact the front office to make an appointment with Dr. Andre.
Please note that District, State, and Federal Education Policies govern our school. The office staff /teachers are mandated to follow all rules, regulations, and policies set forth by these governing bodies. We will try to work with families to help provide the most positive experience possible, but we must do so while still adhering to the law.
Smart Devices
We understand that emergencies sometimes occur during the day that makes it necessary for you to contact your child. However, due to the volume of calls in the office, it is difficult for us to deliver messages to scholars in the classroom. Whenever possible, please make arrangements for your child prior to the school day. Children will be allowed to use the telephone ONLY in emergencies and very special circumstances. Phone calls, which interrupt the classroom instructional program, will not be put through. The only exceptions to interrupt the classroom would be to provide a student with eye glasses or needed medication.
CELL PHONES/SMART DEVICES: To ensure student safety and exposure to unmonitored internet contact directly, or through friends, cell/smart device (including smart watches) use is not allowed on school campus by students (including field trips, Catalyst Kids, YMCA). Cell phones/smart devices that have access to the internet without logging on to our secure network must be stored in the owner’s backpack and powered “off” during the entire school day. Students are not permitted to keep their cell/smart phone in their pockets or desks, or otherwise “on their person” while at school. Smart devices such as watches are not to be used during school in any capacity that mimics a cell or smart phone. Use as a watch or activity tracker is permissible.
Peters Canyon is a closed campus during school hours. Scholars may not leave campus during school hours without a parent/guardian signing them out in the office.
Only the student’s parent(s) or guardians and persons listed on the student’s emergency card may sign the student out of school and/or pick the student up from school. Please keep your child’s emergency contacts in Aeries Parent Portal up to date. *Photo ID may be requested at any time by school office personnel, as your child’s safety is our top priority.
Parents wishing to speak privately to a teacher must do so outside of instructional time.
First Aid
The school has a responsibility for first aid only. In case of illness, the child will be cared for until the parent arrives or he/she is returned to his/her classroom. In case of minor injuries, first aid will be administered to the child and he/she will return to class. In case of major injuries, first aid will be administered and the parent will be immediately notified. If necessary, the school will call 911 for emergency services. BE SURE THAT CURRENT HOME AND WORK PHONE NUMBERS ARE AVAILABE TO THE SCHOOL.
*Please make sure the school office and your child’s teacher is aware of any health conditions and/or allergies that may be a factor in your child’s daily routine.
Medication to be taken at school will be administered by the Health Clerk or other designated personnel. For the safety of all students, all medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be delivered to the Health Office by an adult in the current, originally prescribed bottle or container. A medication permit form needs to be completed and signed by the parent and physician to allow the school to administer the medication. No medication is to be brought to school by the student, nor will it be sent home with the student. Students are not to have any medication in their possession on campus; this includes aspirin, cough drops, etc.
Library/ Media Center & Textbooks
The library media center is an important part of your child’s reading program and we request your assistance in maintaining our outstanding library at Peters Canyon Elementary School.
As part of our reading, research, and library program, scholars in grades 1 through 5 will have the opportunity to check out library books on a weekly basis. Any scholar who checks out a book is responsible for keeping it in good condition and returning it to the library when it is due. We do not charge fines for overdue books, but we ask for the replacement cost of any book that has been lost or damaged. The Library Media Technician will notify the parent(s) of the lost book title and the replacement cost. Checks should be made out to Peters Canyon PTO. If a book you have paid for is located and returned in good condition within 30 days after payment, your money will be refunded to you. After 30 days your payment will be used to purchase a new book and cannot be refunded.
Scholars are provided textbooks and workbooks at no cost. Scholars will be required to have these textbooks in class and available for use with lessons each day. Any lost or damaged textbook will need to be replaced at a charge to the scholar/parent. Specific prices for each book are determined by the actual replacement cost.
Accident Insurance for your child may be obtained by completing the Scholar Accident Insurance form. This form will be sent home by the school office the first week of school. If you desire this insurance coverage, please mail the form directly to the insurance company to ensure coverage for the year. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE APPLICATION TO THE SCHOOL.
iPads are costly to repair/replace. Please protect yourself from damage or replacement costs by purchasing device coverage for the school year.
The deadline to purchase device insurance is October 16th . https://schooldevicecoverage.com/signup
Personal Belongings
Each child should assume responsibility for the care of his/her belongings. To assist each child and the school staff, be sure to label all personal belongings such as coats, sweaters, jackets, books, back packs, lunch boxes, etc. with your child’s name. If an item is misplaced, encourage your child to check in his/her classroom, the school office or the lost and found located outside the multi-purpose room. Items not claimed will be donated to charity at winter break and at the end of the school year.